"The Global War on Terrorism"
I was asked by College of the Ozarks to design and create 3 life size bronze sculptures for their Patriots Park. This is a sacred area which honors the US Armed Forces and the Gold Star Families. “The Global War on Terrorism” is the third of them. I made a modern soldier kneeling before a battle cross, flanked by a service dog with a prosthesis. As I sculpted theses pieces, I kept in mind the challenges our troops in harms way face along with their families back home. It is a tribute to all soldiers that serve and sacrifice for our freedom.

“Jeanette L Musgrave”
Mrs. Musgrave’s foundation commissioned me for this bust of her that stands at the entrance to the Cox College of Nursing in Springfield, MO. In the making of this work, I was inspired by her love of nursing and the countless charities her foundation has helped throughout the years. Portrait pieces are always a wonderful challenge for me. I love to get the true essence of my subject into the sculpture so that future generations can get to know them.
“Giant Bobbleheads”
These were made for manufacturer Leggett and Platt and are depictions of some of the upper management there. Commissioned for a trade show, they are demonstrative of teamwork coupled with a touch of whimsy. I heard that the managers depicted took their individual bobblehead with them after the show. It’s great when people like the work so much that they get that attached to it.
“Private Commission - Beer Tap Handles”
Private commission to make beer tap handles for a high-end outdoor bar. Sculpting this trio of misfits really brought back some great memories.